I had a lot of fun learning about various ways to create AI generated images, words, and phrases as well as glitches and gifs. I was particularly intrigued by the random phrase generator, especially when using it as a tool in relation to glitching, because phrases are a sort of glitch in our language, holding meaning that the words themselves don't usually mean literally. The majority of glitches and images I created were based off of phrases that I found on the random phrase generator, and all of them have something to do with animals. I created 2 images and 2 gifs in response to the phrase "playing possum," a gif responding to the phrase "fucking like bunnies," and a gif responding to the phrase "crying wolf." I really liked the randomness in the process of combining these phrases with the text edit and audacity pixel sorting glitching techniques that we learned, while also incorporating my own artwork and own details to make my final products really feel like my own work. I had created a "fucking like bunnies" Rorschach test design a while ago, and decided that would be a fun image to run through audacity, and I was happy with the results. So, I created a "playing possum" Rorschach test design using the same process, and used that as a base for some of my images as well, which was an exciting opportunity to amplify a project I had started in the past. My favorite part about this project was how highly experimental it was, and the challenge of creating work that felt like my own while still being so randomly invented. I will definitely continue to incorporate these glitching techniques in my work in the future, and I'm excited that I have been introduced to all of these new processes through this project.
son of a serendipitous glitch
Updated: Sep 27, 2022