I had a lot of fun working on this project! It was my second time experimenting with Blender, and I really like how much creative freedom I had while making these characters vs. the last time I used Blender and followed along a tutorial making a fish bowl. I decided to create a fun little spooky ice cream land because this project was assigned around Halloween and I had a drawing of a skelly ice cream sundae tree that I thought would be fun to bring to life in Blender. I am definitely still a beginner with Blender, so a lot of this project included a lot of trial and error, especially when animating my characters. I had the most trouble making the animation seamless, and I ran into some roadblocks having to do with the armature with my main character (the orange rabbit looking character). I think this is where my project could use the most improvement. My favorite part about this project was experimenting with a combination of weight painting and using stolen images as skins for different parts of the objects. I will definitely keep working on this project to improve what I think needs improving and also hopefully expand it and add some more characters and make the world bigger!
Project #2 Blender characters
Updated: Nov 30, 2022