For my second Blender project, I want to create a short animation that revolves around a bunny character that I sculpt myself. I am not completely sure what I want my bunny to be doing, but I am deciding between a sort of fashion show of bunnies, a jewelry box that opens with a bunny spinning around, or an army of bunnies walking around with a queen bunny that emerges from the center. I am thinking that the fashion show may be a bit too difficult, and I am leaning toward the army of bunnies. I learned about the array setting, which would allow me to create a line of bunnies that are all the same. I still need to figure out how I would make them walk in a circle, and I still need to figure out how I would create a bunny that emerges from the center, but I am excited for the trial and error of this process. I am hoping that my final animation includes a lot of color, stars, and shows off my sort of personal aesthetic and style.
